Superstar Kevin Chi has won the UBC Psi Chi Distinguished Undergraduate Research Award! Congrats, Kevin!
Canada Foundation for Innovation
The UPLIFT Health Lab has been awarded infrastructure funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation. Read about it here: Funding to advance research on psychosocial well-being and healthy aging
Congrats to Honours student Jamile De Medeiros e Silva, who gave a fantastic presentation on sleep variability and affect at the UBC Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference!
Jin Wen presented his research on self-control and cortisol stress reactivity at the American Psychosomatic Society conference (March 2019). Dr. Sin gave a talk on emotional vulnerability to short sleep and long-term functional limitations, and she was a roundtable facilitator on the topic of “Data for the Masses” (thank you to the Emerging Leaders SIG!).
Jin’s poster in the Citation Poster Session at APS (pictured with Dr. Nancy Sin and Dr. Julia Boehm)
Symposium on Emotion regulation and variability in relation to daily stressors and health
From left: Lewina Lee, Nancy Sin, Claudia Trudel-Fitzgerald (Symposium Chair), and Rebecca Reed
(not pictured: our awesome discussant, Dr. Aric Prather)
Kevin Chi was awarded the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Diversity Undergraduate Travel Award and the Robert and Kazuko Barker Award. He attended the SPSP conference in Portland to present his poster, “Daily prosocial behaviour and well-being among adults: Examination of day-to-day variations.” Congrats, Kevin!
Gerontological Society of America
Dr. Sin presented 2 talks at the GSA conference in Boston, entitled “Characterizing the co-occurrence of positive events and stressors in daily life” and “Daily positive events are associated with more favourable perceptions of same-day stressors.”
Canadian Association on Gerontology
Congrats to Jin Wen and Kevin Chi on their recent presentations at the Canadian Association on Gerontology conference! Jin was winner of the CIHR Institute of Aging Student Poster Competition (Master’s Category)!
- Jin Wen at CAG 2018
- Kevin Chi and Dr. Sin at CAG 2018
Aging Consciously
Dr. Sin gave a talk on “Coping with Stress in Daily Life” at the South Arm Community Centre as part of the Aging Consciously lecture series (8 Aug 2018). Thank you to everyone who attended and to Shannon at South Arm for inviting us!
APA Division 20
Dr. Sin has been elected as Member-at-Large for the Executive Committee of the American Psychological Association’s Division on Adult Development and Aging. She will serve a 3-year term from 2018-2021.
Kevin Chi awarded Quinn Research Assistantship
Kevin Chi (4th Year Psychology student) has received the Quinn Research Assistantship Award, which will provide 4 months of summer funding to support Kevin’s research project on daily volunteering and health in midlife and older adults. Congratulations, Kevin!