Study Reveals Older Adults Coping with Pandemic Best
The latest newsletter for the Gerontological Society of America featured our research on age differences in daily life experiences during the pandemic, led by PhD student Patrick Klaiber.
PBS Next Avenue, Aug 19, 2020
In a COVID-19 World, Which Generation Is Coping Best?
Forbes, July 28, 2020
Crises Like the Pandemic Don’t Make People Less Optimistic
CTV news
‘A surprise to no one’: Some coping better than others with COVID-19, research suggests.
Vancouver Sun
COVID-19: Research shows older adults less worried during pandemic.
Breakfast TV Vancouver
Patrick Klaiber talks about his new research on age differences in coping with the pandemic.
Aging and COVID-19
Patrick Klaiber (PhD student) has published a new paper showing that older adults were more psychologically resilient during the pandemic than younger and middle-aged adults. UBC press release:
Congrats to Holy Ghaly!
We’d like to extend our warmest congratulations to Holy Ghaly on her graduation! Holy has earned a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology and Minor in Psychology. She has been a vital member of the UPLIFT Health Lab for the past two years and has shown great leadership as a research study coordinator and as a teaching assistant […]
Congrats to Fei Ying!
Fei Ying (3rd year undergraduate in Behavioural Neuroscience) was awarded the UBC Morris Belkin Prize for her research on variability in sleep timing and daily emotions.
Positive Psychological Science
Jin Wen has published a book chapter entitled “Positive Activity Interventions Targeted to Improve Depressive Symptoms” in the 2nd edition of Positive Psychological Science. For more information about the book, visit