Five Evidence-Based Tips for Building Health Habits

(June 2023). UPLIFT Health Lab presents evidence-based tips for building health habits. Infographic created by Olive Huang.
Sleep and Academic Success Toolkit

(October 2021) Graduate student Jin Wen was interviewed by UBC’s Chapman Learning Commons on how sleep impacts wellness and academic success.
Check out Jin’s interview and additional resources here:
Six Ways to Boost Your Happiness

(September 2019) Happiness infographic created by Holy Ghaly.
Moskowitz, J. T., Cheung, E. O., Snowberg, K. E., Verstaen, A., Merrilees, J., Salsman, J. M., & Dowling, G. A. (2019). Randomized controlled trial of a facilitated online positive emotion regulation intervention for dementia caregivers. Health Psychology, 38(5), 391.
Sin, N. L., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2009). Enhancing well-being and alleviating depressive symptoms with positive psychology interventions: A practice-friendly meta-analysis. Journal of clinical psychology, 65(5), 467-487.