Congrats to Patrick Klaiber!
Patrick Klaiber has been awarded a doctoral scholarship from the German National Scholarship Foundation (Promotionsstipendium der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)!
Congrats to Jin Wen!
Jin Wen has successfully defended his MA thesis!
Congrats to Kevin Chi!
Former undergraduate Kevin Chi has accepted an offer for admission to the Psychology graduate program at Stanford University!
BC Brain Wellness
Dr. Sin will be giving a talk for Wellness Wednesday on March 4th as part of the BC Brain Wellness Program. For more information, please visit:
Sticking with New Year’s Resolutions
Dr. Sin talks to VICE Canada about ways to maintain and recommit to our New Year’s resolutions.
New study + cute dogs
Check out the Vancouver Sun’s article about the new study that we are launching (and see photos of Dr. Sin’s happy pups!)